
May 7, 2020

The Collaborative Body formally approved the nominations and elections process for the executive committee. The Collaborative Body approved the formation and scope of the public health API workgroup and that Walter Suarez will chair. The Collaborative Body approved the formation and scope of the use case project statement workgroups and that John Lumpkin will select a chair after workgroup members have been defined.

April 16, 2020

The collaborative body decided to create a small, ad hoc workgroup to discuss the Digital Bridge role in four areas: (1) case reporting, (2) lab reporting, (3) resource reporting and (4) policy efficacy reporting.

April 2, 2020

The Collaborative Body formally elected John Lumpkin to serve as chair. The Collaborative Body approved an executive committee by resolution 2020-0002 to establish its purpose, membership, and responsibilities. The Collaborative Body approved the formation and scope of the nominations workgroup and that Vivian Singletary will chair. The Collaborative Body approved the scope of the use case scoping methods workgroup and gating conditions for Digital Bridge to partner with additional potential projects.

February 26, 2020

The governance body formally charged and formed the use case scoping workgroup.

January 30, 2020

The governance body voted to (1) endorse the guiding principles for the charter and bylaws and to have follow-up discussion if any issues arise, (2) study and monitor social determinants of health initiatives to explore how Digital Bridge may be able to contribute in the future and (3) to develop five workgroups: four workgroups will develop project scope statements for each of the identified potential use cases (newly reportable conditions, NHSN HAI SNF, immunizations, and cancer registries) and the fifth workgroup will work on a timeline to develop a white paper on a national public health API.

November 15, 2019

The governance body formally charged and formed the Charter and Bylaws workgroup.

July 9, 2019

The governance body approved changes to the transition workgroup charge, including evaluating initiatives similar to eCR and creating a subgroup to make revisions to the governance body charter.

Governance Body Decisions, April 5, 2019

The governance body approved to have John Lumpkin remain chair of the governance body in his transition to a new organization, and workgroups will update …